Class on September 21 2017

We started off by spending three minutes to write about our thoughts from the kayak surface temperature on the Narrow River data investigation on Tuesday.

We primed the discussion by asking for thoughts on data patterns and the activity logistics.

Student answers:
  • problems with timestamping
  • note taking in the field can be difficult
  • the upper pond was very warm compared to the coolness of the inlet
  • temperature changes with the current (for lower river data collection)
  • landmarks are very useful for noting things
  • ocean current brought cool water into the Narrow River
  • tide was important factor to effort required to paddle
  • colder air temperature at the end of the data collection suggested an interesting analysis
  • starting instruments way early makes data analysis more cumbersome
  • the bridge boil brought colder temperatures
  • more spatial coverage when you are moving slower
  • Rob's notes on time and specific location were great for evaluating the analysis
Kathy asked: "After we've done our analysis like on Tuesday, what should we do next?"

Kathy then asked: "Why write a lab/data report?"
  • establishes the purpose of the experiment
  • lets you synthesize the analysis
  • replication for comparison at a later time
  • share the process with others to consider
  • helps you drive toward (and support) a conclusion
Kathy then asked: "What should be included in a lab report?"
  • abstract
  • introduction (the why - focus question (hypothesis), the where, the what you used/did, the contribution made)
  • methodology (materials)
  • results: graph/table to show the data
  • interpretation (why the results are as you report them) errors/mistakes you made
  • summary and conclusion (future work)
Students then spent a half hour attempting to flush out lab report structure in anticipation of a next Tuesday deadline to submit homework.

Faculty all facilitated student questions and points of verification