Class on December 5 2017

Grace started off with a reminder of the Dec 14, 3:00pm start time for the final oral presentation.
She polled students about bad presentations:

1. Bad eye contact
2. Can't hold the audience
3. Not project voice loud enough
4. Don't know the material (just reading off the slide)

Then good presentations (doing the opposite plus)

5. Good non-verbal behavior (hand gestures)
6. Keep the right time length
7. Anticipate questions

* What is your central message?
* prepare an outline
* identify a few key points
* start and end strongly
  - interesting opening (hook) - a cool fact or relevance
  - what is the problem?
  - why should they care?

Public speaking notes:

Connect with your audience
 - vary your gaze throughout
 - make eye contact
 - don't read off your slides
 - don't look at your feet
 - emptying your pockets
 - get comfortable with your arms at your side
 - practice

Show passion! 

Visual aids:
- clarify your spoken words
- keep them simple
- keep them professional looking

- each one should add to the presentation
- does it relate to my spoken word?
- is the graphic quality sufficient?
- keep them brief and concise
- legible and clearly visible
- limit the amount of information points per slide
- spend time being mindful with color choice


Prepare a list of questions you might be asked
Perform your presentation to a peer, take questions from them
Prepare your talk over and over to flush out questions
Kathy suggested: You can ask an audience member to repeat a question

Bruce suggested you can repeat a question if you want some time to think or if you think the audience might not have heard the asker.

Lucie then made a presentation regarding the carrying capacity for mussels and oysters, suggesting there were four different aspects of it.

Lucie made it clear we have been providing data appropriate for the physical and production aspects of the carrying capacity, not the ecological and social.

She put a full presentation on Sakai to emphasize her points.